Exhibition:2023, Doblez, Galerie Aspekt, Brno
Výstava představila obrazy z cyklu “Šest barev, šest ornamentů” a modely kolekce “Inside 23” Liběny Rochové, na které byl použit ve spolupráci se mnou motiv obrazu z tohoto cyklu. Modely byly foceny v Paříži pro časopis Vogue a Liběna Rochová obdržela za tuto kolekci cenu Czech Grand Design.
The exhibition presented paintings from the cycle “Six Colors, Six Ornaments” and models from the collection “Inside 23” by Liběna Rochová, on which the motif of a painting from this cycle was used in collaboration with me. The models were photographed in Paris for Vogue magazine and Liběna Rochová received the Czech Grand Design Award for this collection.
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